Staley Band Handbook 2023-2024
Band Hall Guidelines
The Band Hall is a great place at Staley! Many students spend a great deal of time in the Band hall and it feels like their ‘home away from home’. While the Band staff enjoy having students in the Band hall (especially if they are practicing!) there are guidelines that must be followed.
- Band Hall Hours– The Band hall is open by 7:30am (usually around 7am) and closes by 5:00pm. Students are welcome to use the facilities any time a Band director is present.
- Exterior door- Our exterior door is only used for advanced band morning sectionals (since we begin before the building is unlocked). All students should use the main door to enter and exit the room at all times.
- Practice Rooms- Students are encouraged to use our practice rooms! If the rooms become too busy we may ask students to sign up ahead of time. Please remember that private lesson teachers or Staley music staff may ask a student to give up their room at any time for any reason. If you cannot find a place to practice ask a director for help. Note that there should NEVER be one boy and one girl in a practice room alone. When you leave there should be TWO chairs and ONE stand in the practice room.
- Before School: When students arrive to school they should drop their instrument off in the band hall before reporting to the café/gym. Boys athletics should go directly to practice and you will have a chance to drop off your instrument after your athletic period. Only students who have a morning sectional should use our external door before school.
- After School: Students should visit their locker first and then come to the band hall to get their instrument. All students are expected to take their instruments home EVERYDAY! If you have two instruments (that are not assigned by a director) please let your child’s director know as we check the instrument cages every day before we leave. Girls athletics should come to get their instrument before they go to athletics as the band hall may be locked once your practice ends.
- Chairs and Stands- Students should not move chairs or stands unless they have permission. To help the Band staff we ask that all students push their stand down when they are finished using them. NEVER write on a stand or use a stand as a desk.
- Office Areas- Students are not allowed in the band office, storage area, music library, or repair room without permission. If you aren't sure- ask a director (or knock on the door) before going in. Pro tip- NEVER just walk into our office without having permission!
- Instrument Cages- Cages are used to store instruments and Band binders. Items that should not be in the cages include; food of ANY kind (including lunches), library books, trash, and other students. All cages should be closed and locked when not in use to avoid injury to other students as well as protection of their supplies. Students who do not meet these rules will lose points on their participation grade and can lose cage privileges if no improvement is shown.
- Cage Locks– You are allowed to bring a personal combination lock for their instrument cage, but must give the directors the combo BEFORE placing it on your cage.
- Band Hallway- the hallway leading to the Band hall is one of the busiest places in all of Staley! To help traffic flow students are asked to stay on the right side of the hallway and carry any instruments or school supplies in front of them. Students are also asked to not stop and talk to their friends in the hallway.
- Non-Band Students- Students not enrolled in Band are not allowed in the Band Hall unless they have a directors permission. If you travel home with a non-band friend they should meet you outside next to our exterior door after school. This is to protect our instruments and help the Band staff monitor the room. Band students who bring their non-Band friends into the Band hall may receive a deduction on their weekly participation grade.